LIGA teams attends ADPD conference
5. April 2023
In March 2023, the LIGA team attended the “17th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease” (ADPD) conference together with collaborators at the Institute of Epidemiology and Social Medicine at University of Münster. The conference, which took place in beautiful Gothenburg, Sweden, was the first which our team attended after nearly three years of Covid-related restrictions. As in previous years, ADPD turned out to be a prime destination to share the newest results from our work, but also to learn about the newest findings from AD/PD researchers around the world. Overall, eight members of the combined LIGA/Münster team attended the conference presenting six different research projects. Interaction with a large number of like-minded researchers, collaborators and friends once again proved that there is nothing better for scientific interaction and networking than actually meeting “in-person”. Check out our newest picture gallery capturing some of the best moments in Gothenburg!